Arpit Gahlot

Computer Science student at Dalhousie University


Hi, I'm Arpit

With 4 years of coding experience, I've honed my skills in Full stack web development, Software engineering and Game design


Tech Stack

I have worked with Java, Python, C/C++, C#, MySQL, Javascript, Typescript, and many other developer tools.

I work remotely across most timezones

I'm based in Canada, with remote work available


My passion for coding

I love solving problems and building things through code. Coding isn't just my profession, it is my passion.


Contact Me


My Projects


My Portfolio

A 3D portfolio to showcase my skills in a professional way. It is interactive with the users, showcasing various 3D objects (implemented with Three.js) that the users can interact with, along with a bento grid, my projects, and a contact form.

Built as a Web app with Next.js 14, Three.js, React, GSAP, and Tailwind CSS, this portfolio is designed for optimal performance and accessiblity for all devices

terminal background

Let's talk

Whether you're looking to build a new website, improve your existing platform, or bring a unique project to life, I'm here to help